Event Sign-Up and Clarification
Team Declaration, Event Selection and Sign-Up
- Please review the Team Information Guidelines and Event Schedule prior to declaring your team and signing up for events. When you are ready to sign-up, return to this page and fill out the Google Form.
- Make individual submissions in the case of school bringing two teams.
- The Form will ask for the following information
Name of school (Typed name)
Name of coach (Typed name as you wish it to appear on your NJCO Certificate)
Contact Email (Typed email address)
Name of each student as you wish for it to appear on their NJCO Certificate. (Typed without punctuation)
List Event Numbers and requested time slot (You will be checking boxes)
Size of polo shirt for coach (Men's S, M, L, XL, XXL) (Typed request)
Size of t-shirt for students -- list total number of each size required (Men's S, M, L, XL, XXL)
EMAILS FOR COMPETITION AND EVENT SIGN-UP WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Sign-up for a particular time slot will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. If necessary, schools may sign-up for events as late as March 1 (the registration deadline); however, Event Sign-Up and Team Declaration must be submitted simultaneously. Note: You may need to Refresh this page to see the active Google Form link.
Registration Closes on March 15th. Please email Dr. Miriam Gulotta if you have any questions.
Requesting Event Clarification
Schools may request clarification for any of the events. All requests must be posted on the NJCO Discussion Forum. NEW to 2018 competition, this discussion thread is available on password protected webpage available on this website. Upon signing up for events, each coach will be emailed the password for the discussion forum. This will allow transparency with all questions.
IMPORTANT: Requests for Clarification Should be Made by Coaches ONLY
Each school may ask up to two questions per event. (2 questions per school; not 2 questions per team). Replies will be made within seven days. Please use this discussion forum. Requests for clarification may not be emailed.
Please read through the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS before posting a question.